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Have your say on the An Clochán Liath (Dungloe) Town Centre Regeneration Strategy and Action Plan

Have your say on the An Clochán Liath (Dungloe) Town Centre Regeneration Strategy and Action Plan


Donegal County Council’s Regeneration & Development Team in conjunction with GM Design Associates is pleased to announce the launch of ‘TODHCHAÍ an Chlocháin Léith’, a visioning project which will deliver a Regeneration Strategy and Action Plan for An Clochán Liath (Dungloe) Town Centre.


A period of Public Consultation to inform the preparation of the Draft Strategy and Action Plan will open today in tandem with the launch of the project website, and will close on Monday 22nd March 2021 at 4pm.


The Regeneration Strategy and Action Plan was commissioned by Donegal County Council in November 2020, to provide an evidenced framework that will set out the future regeneration aspirations and priorities for the town.


GM Design Associates are an Architectural, Landscape and Planning practice who are assisting the Council with this project and will be working collaboratively with the local community and key stakeholders to bring about meaningful and long lasting renewal and regeneration within An Clochán Liath (Dungloe) town centre.


The Regeneration Strategy and Action Plan will establish a roadmap for the reinvention; reimagining and place-making of the town centre that will help facilitate the unlocking of its unique potential including the high quality physical environment and exceptional cultural and historical heritage, as well as its coastal and riverside setting.


The Strategy and Action Plan will be regeneration focused with a view to strengthening the capacity and competitiveness of the town centre and transforming the urban fabric through physical revitalisation and environmental improvements.


A range of credible and deliverable actions, interventions and projects will be identified and developed to concept design stage and will be aligned to relevant funding streams to support their delivery.


Cathaoirleach of Glenties Municipal District, Cllr Noreen McGarvey emphasises the significance of the commencement of the An Clochán Liath (Dungloe) Regeneration Strategy and Action Plan saying:

“The Regeneration Strategy and Action Plan demonstrates a truly collaborative approach between Donegal County Council and the people of An Clochán Liath (Dungloe) who are central to its successful delivery. It is intended that the Regeneration Strategy and Action Plan will build on the committed work of people in the town to date and will assist and support the local community with the opportunity for regeneration which now exists to enhance the special significance of the town and its setting.”


Speaking about the Regeneration Strategy and Action Plan, Liam Ward, Director of Community Development and Planning Services with Donegal County Council says: “An Clochán Liath (Dungloe) is a bustling, friendly and attractive town with many points of interest in its natural amenity and setting and its strong Gaeltacht heritage.

The Regeneration Strategy and Action Plan will build and expand upon these underlying assets to underpin the regeneration of the town by increasing its attractiveness and strengthening its identity and will support and incentivise existing and prospective business, enterprise, community and voluntary activities in the renewal of the town in a sustainable manner’.”


Ms. Ruth Diver, Executive Planner with the Regeneration and Development Team and Project Lead invites the public to think about "their place" and share their local knowledge and their vision for the future of An Clochán Liath (Dungloe). Ms. Diver says “Local participation in the process is invaluable and will ensure that the Regeneration Strategy and Action Plan is suitably tailored to the specific needs of the community & local economy”.



So please get in touch and have your say, you can do so by:

Visiting the project website

to leave comments; visit ‘Todhchaí an Chlocháin Léith’ on Facebook -í-an-Chlocháin-Léith-102880515202110;

or follow our Twitter page @Dungloe_Regen -

E-mail:  [email protected]

Telephone : +44 (028) 7035 6138

Write: GM Design Associates, 22 Lodge Road, Coleraine, Co. Londonderry, BT52 1NB



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