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27/05/24 Donegal Africa Day 2024

Africa Day groud

Donegal Africa Day Celebrations

Donegal County Council in partnership with Letterkenny Community Development Project (CDP) and Donegal Intercultural Platform held a successful celebration of Donegal Africa Day and Street Feast this weekend at the An Grianán Theatre Plaza, where people came together to enjoy a celebration of the diversity of African culture and heritage.  The event exemplified the spirit of diversity, inclusion and community spirit.



Donegal Africa Day and Street Feast offered an energetic lineup of activities for attendees of all ages. From captivating African music performances to engaging kids' games and elegant henna tattoos, the event provided a platform for celebration, learning and cultural exchange.



Sean Fleming, Minister of State for International Development and Diaspora, said “Africa Day is an important event to celebrate Ireland’s growing links with the continent of Africa, and to showcase African culture, music, dance and much more. Ireland has growing trade, political and cultural links across the continent of Africa. Africa Day is an opportunity to promote those links and learn more about the diversity and vibrancy of African cultures. Events have been taking place nationwide.”



Cllr Martin Harley, Cathaoirleach of Donegal County Council said the "through the implementation of our Black and Minority Ethnic Inclusion Strategy, events like Donegal Africa Day and Street Feast serve as important milestones in our journey towards building a more inclusive and cohesive community."



The event was not only a celebration of African culture but also an opportunity for attendees to forge connections and appreciate the cultural richness present in Donegal. The flavours of African cuisine delighted the taste buds of all who attended further enhancing the multicultural experience.



Through collaborative efforts, Donegal County Council, Letterkenny CDP and Donegal Intercultural Platform demonstrated their dedication to creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for all residents. By providing a platform for cultural exchange and celebration, the event reinforced the importance of mutual respect and understanding.


Africa Day

Africa Day Celebrations at An Grianan Theatre Letterkenny


As the festivities came to a close, organisers look forward to building on this year's success and continuing to promote diversity, inclusion and social cohesion in County Donegal.