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26/10/2023 - All road users warned of dangers of darker evenings as clocks go back

Be safe be seen


The DRSWG is appealing to all road users to exercise extreme caution and for motorists to be aware of vulnerable road users as the clocks go back by an hour and wintertime begins this weekend. Summertime officially ends on Sunday morning, as the time observed by Ireland goes back by 1 hour.


As we head into the winter the Donegal Road Safety Working Group (DRSWG) is advising pedestrians, runners, walkers and cyclists to be safe and be seen by:

  • Wearing high visibility material
  • Carrying a torch
  • Cyclists need to ensure that their bicycle lights are working and wear a helmet.


The DRSWG are also reminding motorists to check that their vehicle is fit for winter. Tyres must be in good condition and meet the legal requirements. All lights must be clean, working and correctly adjusted. Always use dipped headlights when driving in poor weather conditions.


Chris Harley, Road Safety Officer said he wanted to appealto all road users to keep safety in mind this winter. Using the roads is the most dangerous thing that we do every day and yet very few of us appreciate that. You are only ever one slip of concentration away from disaster, which can change lives forever. As a pedestrian, you are one of the most vulnerable road users. It is vitally important that you practice good road safety and take personal responsibility in keeping yourself and others safe on our roads.


He added: “We would especially call on cyclists to be weather aware and to get proper lights. Many people drive and cycle, therefore are fully aware that a cyclist without lights or hi-vis clothing on a dark, wet evening is virtually impossible to see. It is true that the driver bears the greater responsibility as they can do the most damage, but cyclists also need to be sensible. For starters, that means ensuring that there are lights on your bicycle and please wear hi-vis clothing”.


Our message is very simple but important. Always wear a hi-viz jacket to be seen if you are walking, running, cycling or riding a motorbike. Slow down if you are a driver, especially when sharing the road with vulnerable road users. Every driver and passenger must wear a seat belt, front and rear on every trip and ensure children are properly restrained. Do not drive while being distracted by a mobile phone, never drive while impaired, whether through drink, drugs or driver fatigue and always focus on driving your vehicle. Cyclists must use front and rear lights and reflectors and we also stress the importance of wearing a helmet.


To date in 2023, 155 people have lost their lives on our roads, which includes 32 pedestrians and 5 cyclists. Six people have died in Donegal and many more have been seriously injured in road traffic collisions.