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15/09/2022 - Love Donegal Day 2022 reaches over 11 million!

Love Donegal Day 2022 image


Last Thursday, the 8th of September, saw Donegal communities all across the world come together on social media to celebrate #LoveDonegal day 2022.


This year’s campaign had an amazing response with a reach of over 11 million across social media platforms including LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. #LoveDonegal and #DúnnanGallAbú was trending across Ireland throughout the weekend with users from every corner of the world engaging and communicating what makes Donegal special to them, through sharing posts, images, videos.


#LoveDonegal day 2022 focused on the theme of art and creativity. Young and old across the world shared their love for our county and there was a wonderful response to the art competition, with creative submissions of the Donegal DNA logo from fashion to baking, sport and seafood!


Individuals from near and far celebrated how important the Donegal connection is to them be in the people, landscape, culture, opportunities and work/life balance.


The 2022 #LoveDonegal day campaign was co-ordinated by Donegal County Council. Cathaoirleach of Donegal County Council Cllr. Liam Blaney believes that #LoveDonegal day shows the strong connections that the county has across the world saying “the high levels of engagement with diaspora nationally and internationally, particularly in global regions such as the United States of America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil and Sri Lanka shows the impact Donegal has on people near and far, through several generations. With so many people across the globe participating, it really promoted Donegal as an ideal place to live, to visit, to invest, to work, do business and to relocate to through the special significance our magnificent county has”.


John McLaughlin, Chief Executive of Donegal County Council was also delighted with the response to #LoveDonegal stating “we are thrilled and overwhelmed with the response to this year’s #LoveDonegal day campaign which saw #LoveDonegal and #DúnnanGallAbú trending across several social media platforms over a number of days last week, through to the weekend. With a reach of over 11 million people and counting across the world. The high levels of participation and engagement with the social media campaign and the art competition highlighted the importance this day has in the calendar for the people of Donegal and those with a connection to our county. I am also delighted with the local reaction and response to this initiative. It is very positive.”.


#LoveDonegal is a precursor to Donegal Connect, which will take place from September 22nd to 25th September 2022. Donegal Connect has a number of county wide collaborative events and projects to take place and focuses on ‘re-connecting’ with Donegal Diaspora to encourage a return home to explore why Donegal is a great place to live, work, invest, study and do business in. For more information visit -

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