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25/10/2022 - Dublin Business Event to Showcase the Talent Availability in the North West City Region

Dublin Business Event to Showcase the Talent Availability in the North West


Donegal, Derry and Strabane will be the focus of a Business Investment event in Dublin later today.


The event, which is being hosted by Donegal County Council and Derry City and Strabane District Council, will be held in the EPIC Centre in Dublin City Centre and will provide an opportunity to showcase the North West City Region offer – in particular in relation to the quality talent solutions available. It will also highlight the benefit to businesses of locating in this region which can provide seamless market access to both the EU and UK. Leading blue chip and fast-growing businesses based in and around Dublin will attend the event as well as stakeholders from across the North West to provide a holistic overview of the benefits of locating in the North West City Region.


The event has attracted support from existing investors and home-grown businesses in the North West including FinTrU, Optum, Learning Pool and legal firm Caldwell & Robinson. These business ambassadors will highlight how locating in the North West has supported their growth and success.


The event is also being supported by stakeholders including the IDA Ireland, Invest NI, Údarás na Gaeltachta, Enterprise Ireland, Atlantic Technological University, Ulster University, Donegal ETB and the North West Regional College along with businesses operating in the region.


Cathaoirleach of Donegal County Council Cllr Liam Blaney is keen to showcase the city region to a Dublin audience saying that “we are delighted to showcase our regional offer to important players in the Dublin business community today. The North West is ready for growth, and we have invested significant sums in infrastructure, networks and facilities to ensure we’re investor ready as a city region. The fact that 75% of investors in the region have re-invested here highlights the existing quality of our offer.”


Mayor of Derry City & Strabane District Council Cllr Sandra Duffy believes that access to talent is driving investment decisions in the city region saying that “the North West City Region provides a unique location for businesses seeking competitive advantage at this time. Access to skills is driving investment decisions for many companies and we have a growing number of senior professionals returning from Dublin, London and beyond to strengthen an existing, extensive talent pool of further and higher education students. We recognise the importance of existing investors to the local economy and we are committed to attract more companies, with support from our partners to enhance opportunity and access for everyone in our region.”

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