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31/03/2015 - Littering Donegal - it’s no joke says Conal!


Big Donegal Clean Up 1 387 x 252

Oh Yes You Can! Comedian Conal Gallen and Donegal County Council cathaoirleach, Cllr John Campbell mark the start of the Big Donegal Clean Up during the month of April with a friendly tug-o-war to see who can pick up the first can.



Donegal comedian and all round funny man, Conal Gallen, has thrown his weight behind Donegal County Council’s anti-litter campaign - The Big Donegal Clean Up -stating ‘littering Donegal is no joke!”


The star of stage and screen says he knows the difference between a good clean joke and rubbish!


“I live outside Stranorlar on a country road and I can tell you the way some people come along and dump their rubbish is no joke. Many a morning I pulled on the wellies and grabbed a big bag and filled it to the brim with all sorts of stuff…I’d love to catch them in the act!” he said.


Council cathaoirleach Cllr John Campbell said littering was the most visible form of pollution and its presence immediately creates a negative impression.


"Tackling litter and illegal dumping is a priority for Donegal County Council. We also hope to minimise the problem through enforcement of the Litter Pollution Act, education, promotion of anti-litter initiatives and by appealing to people to take pride in their own county,” he said.


The Big Donegal Clean Up is one of Donegal County Council's largest anti litter campaigns. Tidy Towns, community groups, residents associations, schools, local businesses and individuals are all encouraged to get involved.


Many clean ups consist of items that are illegally dumped at locations throughout the county. The council would encourage anyone with information on illegal dumping to contact us.


The success of the Big Donegal Clean Up depends on the help and support of all the people who take part. Your event, no matter how small, will be a positive step towards looking after our environment for the future.


About the Big Donegal Clean Up


This initiative is run in conjunction with An Taisce’s National Spring Clean and takes place throughout the month of April. Now an established part of the council-community calendar, the event gathers momentum each year with more and more people getting involved. Litter pickers, gloves, high-viz vests and bags were provided to groups who register and the resulting rubbish was taken away by the litter wardens.


To register for National Spring Clean call the National Spring Clean Hotline on (01) 4002219 or register online by logging onto to the website at


If you need any assistance contact Donegal County Council on (074) 91 53900





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