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03/06/2016 - Stay safe on the roads this June Bank Holiday



Think Road Safety First 379 x 269


35 people killed on Irish roads over the June Bank Holiday period in the last 9 years


As we head into the Bank Holiday weekend the Donegal Road Safety Working Group is appealing to road users to stay safe on the roads as figures show that between 2007 and 2015, 35 people were killed and 85 were seriously injured on Irish roads over the June Bank Holiday period.


To date this year, 74 people have been killed on Irish roads, an increase of 15 on the same period in 2015.


The latest report released by the Road Safety Authority has revealed that between 2008 and 2012, alcohol was a contributory factor in 38% of all fatal collisions.


The Donegal Road Safety Working Group is urging drivers not to drink and drive and Brian O’Donnell, Donegal Road Safety Officer has stated “we must continue to highlight to drivers, passengers, pedestrians, motorcyclists and cyclists the dangers and consequences of making the wrong decision to use the road after consuming alcohol”.


He added “this is particularly important as we approach the high risk bank holiday weekend and the summer season. The temptation to make the wrong decision will be there for all road users but we would urge people to think carefully about the decisions they make. We know alcohol promotes behaviour that is potentially life threatening - not just among drivers, but among all road users.”


“Over the past number of years there has been a sea change in the attitude of the public towards drunken drivers, and for most people it is no longer socially acceptable to drink and drive. The campaign must continue and be intensified to send a message to those people who still persist in drinking and driving or think that drinking and driving is not a serious offence, that this is clearly not a sustainable or justifiable position”.


“Our message to motorists is - never, ever drink and drive, because the consequences for you and others could be life changing. At best you risk losing your licence – at worst you could have to live with the guilt of being responsible for someone’s death or serious injury”.


“One second, one stupid decision and it can change yours and everyone’s lives around you forever. The holiday season and the good weather is a time for enjoying time with family, friends and social events. It is vitally important to reiterate our key message; if you drink, don't drive and if you drive, don't drink – it's that simple”.


“We would also stress the importance of always obeying the speed limits, reducing speed in inclement weather conditions and allowing plenty of time to arrive safely at your destination, always wear your seatbelt, never use a mobile phone while driving and be aware of driver fatigue”.


The latest report released by the Road Safety Authority is the third and largest in a series of landmark reports.  This report analysed An Garda Síochána Forensic Fatal Collision Investigation files in order to identify the main contributory factors in collisions.


  • 286 people lost their lives and a further 69 were seriously injured in fatal crashes where alcohol was a contributory factor.
  • 983 fatal collisions occurred on Irish roads between 2008 and 2012, claiming the lives of 1,077 people.


The forensic details of 867 fatal collisions were analysed to identify the cause of the collisions – of these, alcohol was a main contributory factor in 2 in 5 (330) collisions, claiming the lives of 286 people. A further 69 people were seriously injured.


The report also found that of the 867 collisions analysed:


  • 38% of all fatal collisions involved a driver, motorcyclist, cyclist or pedestrian who had consumed alcohol.
  • 29% of all fatal collisions involved a driver or motorcyclist  who had consumed alcohol.
  • 9% of all fatal collisions involved a pedestrian who had consumed alcohol.


Of the 947 people killed in the 867 collisions analysed, alcohol was a contributory factor in:


  • 86% of drivers and 51% of passengers not wearing a seatbelt who had consumed alcohol were killed.
  • 47% of all pedestrian deaths.
  • 42% of all passenger deaths.
  • 30% of all motorcyclist deaths.

Of the 330 alcohol related collisions:


1 in 10 of all driver alcohol related collisions occurred between 7am and 11am.






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