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19/06/19 - Slow down and respect all road users during Donegal Rally



Donegal Rally 2019 379x269

Keep the Race in its place – that’s the message being promoted

by Donegal Road Safety Working Group and the Donegal Joint

Policing Committee for this weeks Joule Donegal International

Rally.  Picture includes Cathaoirleach Cllr. Nicholas Crossan,

Inspector Michael Harrison, Donegal Road Safety Working Group,

Brian O’Donnell, Donegal Road Safety Officer, Brian Brogan,

Donegal Motor Club, Cllr. Gerry McMonagle, Donegal Joint Policing

Committee, Seamus Neely, Donegal County Council with members

of the Donegal Motor Club and Donegal Youth Council. 



Slow down and respect all road users during Donegal Rally



The Donegal Road Safety Working Group (DRSWG) is appealing to everyone attending the Joule Donegal International Rally from 21st June to 23rd June to stay safe on the roads and to be respectful of everyone using the roads.



This appeal comes as rally organisers join forces with Donegal Joint Policing Committee and An Garda Síochána to encourage all those attending the rally to ‘Respect the Rally’ and comply with a few simple rules - drive safely & respect other road users; never drink and drive; respect residents; keep noise levels down at all times; keep the race in its place and; take your litter home.



Brian O’Donnell, Road Safety Officer states “The DRSWG is committed to promoting road safety.  Large numbers will arrive in Donegal to attend the rally and also to enjoy everything Donegal has to offer and we want to emphasise the importance of safety, both on the rally course and on the public roads.


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Respect the Rally – Damian Crawford, Donegal Motor Club,

Inspector Michael Harrison, Cllr. Gerry McMonagle, Brian O’Donnell,

Road Safety Officer and Superintendent Michael Finnan joined

forces to encourage all those attending the rally to ‘Respect the Rally’

and comply with a few simple rules drive safely & respect other

road users; never drink and drive; respect residents; keep noise

levels down at all times; keep the race in its place and; take

your litter home.



“Followers of the rally need to be reminded to watch the stages from safety areas, always stay within the speed limits and drive at a speed appropriate to the weather conditions and allow plenty of time to arrive safely at your destination.



“Unfortunately there are also those who drive dangerously and who have no interest in the rally and are only intent in causing trouble for the Gardai and ordinary members of the public who use the roads. We would appeal to everyone attending the rally, that safety on our roads is paramount and should always takes precedence above everything else.  Please, keep the race in its place”.



Inspector Michael Harrison said “An Garda Síochána is appealing to all those coming to County Donegal for the rally weekend to show respect for residents in Donegal and not engage in anti-social behaviour on the roads. We have a major policing operation in place and those found breaking the law will be dealt with in the appropriate manner. Our objective is to have a weekend where there are no fatal or serious injury collisions. We will be testing drivers for drink and drug driving and finally I would ask everyone using the roads not to speed, never to use a mobile phone while driving, always wear a seatbelt and never drink or drug drive.”



Donegal Rally 2019 - Respect the Rally Checklist 379x269


Cllr Gerry McMonagle Chair of the Donegal Joint Policing Committee is looking forward to welcoming rally enthusiasts to Donegal saying that “these messages are about making sure that the rally can be enjoyed by spectators and locals in a safe and respectful way”.



“This rally is unique to Donegal and is the only 3-day tarmac rally in Ireland and the UK.  The rally organisers do a great job year in year out organising this top class event and we in the Joint Policing Committee and Donegal County Council want to lend our support to them by helping to share a few simple messages so that the rally can be thoroughly enjoyed by visitors and locals alike.”


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