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01/04/19 - Pro Social Ireland continues to deliver road safety programme


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Students from Mulroy College receiving certificates following

their participation in the  Pro Social Ireland Road Safety Programme

which is designed to address areas such as emotional control,

social responsibility, driving under the influence and the consequences

of anti-social behaviour while driving.  Picture also includes Mick

Quinlivan, Pro Social Ireland, Paul McCusker, Pro Social Ireland,

Inspector Michael Harrison, Ciaran Maguire, Pro Social Ireland,

Leslie O’Donnell and Denis Ferry.



Pro Social Ireland continues to deliver road safety programme


A ground breaking road safety programme facilitated by Pro Social Ireland has been recently completed by students from Scoil Mhuire, Buncrana, Mulroy College, Milford and Lifford Youthreach. The programme was delivered to students who attended modules designed to address particular problem areas such as emotional control, social responsibility, driving under the influence and the consequences of anti-social behaviour while driving. The presentation of certificates was held recently in the LYIT where the students who completed the programme were acknowledged for their participation.


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Students from Scoil Mhuire, Buncrana receiving certificates following

their participation in the  Pro Social Ireland Road Safety Programme

which is designed to address areas such as emotional control, social

responsibility, driving under the influence and the consequences

of anti-social behaviour while driving.  Picture also includes Mick

Quinlivan, Pro Social Ireland, Paul McCusker, Pro Social Ireland,

Inspector Michael Harrison, Ciaran Maguire, Pro Social Ireland,

Leslie O’Donnell and Denis Ferry.



Mick Quinlivan, Pro Social Ireland, stated “we were delighted to be given the opportunity to deliver the programme and we would like to thank the Donegal Road Safety Working Group for all their assistance to date and we look forward to continuing to deliver the programme to schools in Donegal”.



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Students from Mulroy College and teacher Nicola McBride and

Ciaran Maguire and Mick Quinlivan from Pro Social Ireland

following their participation in the  Pro Social Ireland Road

Safety Programme which is designed to address areas such

as emotional control, social responsibility, driving under the

influence and the consequences of anti-social behaviour while

driving.  Picture also includes Mick Quinlivan, Pro Social Ireland,

Paul McCusker, Pro Social Ireland, Inspector Michael Harrison,

Ciaran Maguire, Pro Social Ireland, Leslie O’Donnell and Denis Ferry



Inspector Michael Harrison said "in my opinion this course will save lives on our roads and I am delighted to see that the programme continues to be delivered to schools in Donegal. Reducing the number of deaths and injuries on Donegal’s roads is a responsibility we all share”.


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Jake Doherty from Mulroy College who recently completed the

Pro Social Ireland Road Safety Programme which is designed

to address areas such as emotional control, social responsibility,

driving under the influence and the consequences of anti-social

behaviour while driving.



Brian O’Donnell, Road Safety Officer, Donegal County Council stated that “the Donegal Road Safety Working Group are delighted that Pro Social Ireland continues to deliver this unique programme and we hope that the students from Mulroy College, Scoil Mhuire and Lifford Youthreach will benefit from the programme, which has been delivered by a dedicated group of professionals from Donegal who have made road safety a priority.”



He also thanked Dennis Ferry & Leslie O’Donnell who gave a great presentation on the risks associated with bad driving behaviour and the precautions that needs to be in place for driving safely. Mulroy College, Milford, Scoil Mhuire, Buncrana and Lifford Youthreach were also acknowledged for their assistance as where the students who were thanked for their active involvement in the programme. 


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Students from Lifford Youthreach receiving certificates following

their participation in the  Pro Social Ireland Road Safety Programme

which is designed to address areas such as emotional control,

social responsibility, driving under the influence and the consequences

of anti-social behaviour while driving.  Picture also includes Mick

Quinlivan, Pro Social Ireland, Paul McCusker, Pro Social Ireland,

Inspector Michael Harrison, Ciaran Maguire, Pro Social Ireland,

Leslie O’Donnell and Denis Ferry.


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