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22/12/2016 - Road Safety Alert – Orange Weather Warning for Storm Barbara


Road Safety Alert – Orange Weather Warning for Storm Barbara




The Road Safety Authority (RSA), is asking road users to exercise caution while using the roads tomorrow, Friday 23rd December, as Met Éireann have issued an Orange wind warning for coastal regions with Donegal, Mayo and Galway expected to be worst affected with gusts of up to 120 km/h expected.

There is also a yellow weather warning for strong winds in place for the rest of the country with gusts of up to 90-110km/h forecast. Strong southerly winds are expected during Friday morning with strong westerly winds forecast for Friday afternoon/evening. Please take care on the roads.



The RSA is asking road users to check local weather and traffic conditions and be aware of the conditions before setting out on a trip.



The RSA has the following advice for road users:


Beware of objects being blown out onto the road. Expect the unexpected. Watch out for falling/fallen debris on the road and vehicles veering across the road


Control of a vehicle may be affected by strong cross winds. High sided vehicles and motorcyclists are particularly vulnerable to strong winds 

Allow extra space between you and vulnerable road users such as cyclists and motorcyclists


Drive with dipped headlights at all times


Check tyres and consider replacing them if the thread depth is below 3mm


It takes longer to stop in wet conditions so slow down and leave extra space between you and the vehicle in front


Take special care when driving behind goods vehicles as they generate a considerable amount of spray which reduces your visibility


Be aware of the danger of aquaplaning especially on roads with speed limits of 100 km/h and 120 km/h


With added risks posed by wet or flooded roads the RSA has the following advice;

If the road ahead is flooded choose another route, do not attempt to drive through it. Flooded roads that appear shallow could be deeper than you think


After going through water, drive slowly with your foot on the brake pedal for a short distance - this helps to dry the brakes


Sometimes roads can be closed due to their fragile state after wet weather or because they are blocked by flooding


Road users should always follow recommended routes and obey signs closing roads to traffic


Watch out for washed out roads, earth slides, broken water or sewer mains, loose or downed electrical wires, and fallen or falling objects.


Advice to Pedestrians & Cyclists;


Be seen. Wear bright clothing with reflective armbands or a reflective belt.


Take extra care when crossing the road or cycling in extremely windy conditions as a sudden gust of wind could blow you into the path of an oncoming vehicle.


Walk on a footpath, not in the street. Walk on the right hand side of the road, facing traffic if there are no footpaths.




For advice on severe weather driving tips, please see severe weather advice on the RSA website or check out the RSA Facebook and Twitter pages.



Please also see our new severe weather warning videos created in collaboration with Teresa Mannion with advice for driving on in strong winds here.



For more weather updates visit Met Eireann’s website





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