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13/02/18 New road safety campaign targets mobile phone use while driving

Road Safety Pouch

Launching the Road Safety campaign urging drivers to use a signal blocker mobile phone pouch are Kai McHugh, Donegal Youth Council, Brian O'Donnell, Donegal County Council Road Safety Officer. Garth Gibson, Donegal Youth Services, Paula Leonard, Alcohol and Drugs Forum, Carlyn Maguire, Donegal Youth Services and Sgt. Joe Hannigan An Garda Síochana. 


The Donegal Road Safety Working Group (DRSWG) has launched a new awareness campaign to encouraging drivers to use a mobile phone signal blocker pouch when driving. 


“Research shows that mobile phone use by drivers, which is every bit as dangerous as drink driving, has reached epidemic proportions” says Donegal Road Safety Officer Brian O’Donnell.


“We can all appreciate that mobile phones are a very important part of everyday life and in an emergency situation they can save lives but when you are behind the wheel of a car or lorry, they can be a killer”.


This new campaign targeting mobile phone use is a very practical plan one.  The Signal Blocker is a mobile phone storage pouch that is lined with specialist material. When sealed inside the pouch, a mobile phone cannot receive any calls or alerts, thereby blocking the temptation for a driver to use or check their phone and eliminating the distraction that an alert can create. Large enough to fit all phones, the pouch also protects phones from scratching, which may occur if stored in the glove box of the vehicle.


Instead of leaving the mobile phone in the car switched on while driving and in a mode that is able to distract the driver, the signal blocker pouch can be used to store the phone in the car and will prevent the phone from ringing or beeping when driving thus avoiding distraction. All missed calls and messages can be picked up when the journey is complete.


The Signal Blocker isn't just limited to use while driving, the pouch can be successfully used in any situation that you don't want your phone to ring or beep, be it at work or school, in the cinema, at a function, attending a sporting event, or even just to guarantee conversation at social events.


Brian O’Donnell said “we are living in an age when being constantly connected seems to be the norm. Almost all of us have mobile phones, which we find difficult to switch off, even for a minute. Talking, texting or emailing on a mobile phone diverts attention from the road and puts other road users in danger.


“Many people who wouldn’t dream of drink-driving are using their mobile when driving, oblivious to the fact that the consequences can be just as serious. I would encourage all drivers to use the mobile phone pouch and remove the distraction from driving. The aim of the campaign is to improve safety, deter motorists from using their mobile while driving and help to further reduce the number of collisions on our roads.”


A signal blocker mobile phone storage pouch can be bought at any good mobile phone shop and the DRSWG is urging businesses to encourage their staff to use the mobile phone signal blocker and to get involved with this campaign making the roads safer for everyone.


“We need to change the behaviour of motorists and get the message across that the call or text can wait until the journey is complete” concludes Brian O’Donnell.

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