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Irish Water staff join the Clean Coasts Big Beach Clean for a third year


Clean Coasts LogoIrish Water Logo 379 x 269


Irish Water staff joined representatives of Clean Coasts at a Big Beach Clean in Murvagh Beach, County Donegal last week.


More than 15 people took part in the clean-up which was organised to coincide with Clean Coasts’ Big Beach Clean weekend which ran from September 14-16. This event is part of the world’s largest beach clean and marine litter survey. Marine litter such as plastic bottles, fishing litter and food packaging are common finds on our beaches. Last year, 789,138 volunteers in more than 100 countries collected nearly 9.3 million kilograms of marine litter during last year’s International Coastal Cleanup event.


Each year millions of tonnes of marine litter enter our seas and oceans, resulting in environmental, economic, health and aesthetic challenges. As part of the Big Beach Clean weekend, volunteers are encouraged to help remove marine litter from our beautiful coastline and in turn protect our coastal habitats and marine life.


The Murvagh Clean Up was organised by local Irish Water staff, supported by Clean Coast representative, Beckey-Finn Britton. 


Speaking about the event Peter Gallagher, Irish Water’s A/Regional Operations Manager, said: “We are delighted to take part in the Big Beach Clean for a third year. We have all seen the evidence of marine litter along our coastline so it is great to have an opportunity to do something positive to combat the problem and also raise awareness about the issue. Every piece of litter removed from the coast is a piece of litter that won’t pollute our oceans or harm wildlife. In Irish Water we are committed to improving the quality of Ireland’s bathing waters and are delivering projects right across the country that will stop the discharge of untreated wastewater into our oceans by 2021.”


Irish Water also supports the Think Before You Flush campaign which aims to tackle the problem of sewage-related litter on Ireland’s beaches. Every day people flush thousands of sanitary items such as baby wipes and cotton bud sticks down the toilet instead of simply putting them in the bin. Other items that are frequently flushed down the toilet include cigarette butts and plasters. This can create unsightly litter on our beaches and cause serious damage to wildlife and the marine environment. It can also lead to blockages in sewers and wastewater treatment plants.


For more information log onto the Think Before You Flush webpage.

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