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02/10/2016 - International Awards for Letterkenny


International Awards for Letterkenny

Anne McGowan, Chairperson of Letterkenny Tidy Towns travelled to Regina in Saskatchewan, Canada to accept the award.




Letterkenny was awarded Five Blooms at the International Communities in Bloom Awards Ceremony and Symposium held in Canada this week.  The town won the prestigious International Community Involvement Award and was short listed for the International Youth Involvement Award and ended runner up to Brandon Manitoba in this category.



The Awards honour Municipalities across the world which foster civic pride, environmental responsibility and beautification through community involvement and the challenge of a national programme with focus on the promotion of green spaces in urban settings.


Letterkenny represented Ireland in the highly acclaimed international Competition following the town's overall win in the National Tidy Towns Competition last year.  It received special mention on numerous occasions during the five day Symposium.


Anne McGowan, Chairperson of Letterkenny Tidy Towns travelled to Regina in Saskatchewan, Canada to attend the Communities in Bloom Symposium and to accept the prestigious awards.


She said that “the awards highlight once again Letterkenny's ability to come together as a community to put its best foot forward and acknowledged the excellent work done by the Tidy Towns committee, the Local Authority, the voluntary organisations and community groups in the town”.


The chairperson said that “being shortlisted for the International Youth Involvement Award was particularly pleasing as the great work being done by dedicated teachers and their students in the town's fourteen schools  contributes hugely to life in  Letterkenny . The town's wonderful young people deserve this special praise”.


Anne was delighted that the judges who visited and assessed Letterkenny in July had appreciated the town's beauty and had experienced its warm community spirit.


“Success in this international competition is very valuable in raising the profile of Letterkenny both nationally and internationally and the opportunities for networking and the resulting future connections are very important” Anne McGowan said.

While in Saskatchewan at the Communities in Bloom Symposium Letterkenny Tidy Towns took the opportunity of promoting Letterkenny and Donegal as a holiday destination. The chairperson acknowledged the help given by Failte Ireland and Tourism Ireland in putting dedicated information Stand together for the Symposium's Community Showcase.  Letterkenny’s colourful, engaging and informative stand attracted hundreds of curious visitors over the week.

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