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14/02/19 - Habitat Restoration and Sustainable Access at Errigal Mountain progress to Planning

Errigal Mountain 379x269

Errigal Mountain



A Part 8 Planning Application for Habitat Restoration and Sustainable Access at Errigal Mountain has been lodged with Donegal County Council.  This application has been prepared as part of the EU funded ASCENT project which has been working with a range of stakeholders including the local community to  implement a long term sustainable solution in addressing on-going erosion on Errigal.



The ASCENT Project which is being led by Donegal County Council, includes partners from five European countries across seven sites.  The objective of the project is to combine the skills of each region to develop new ways to conserve the natural environment in seven areas of natural beauty in each of these European countries in a way that is sustainable. 



At a recent meeting with Glenties Municipal District, the Council’s ASCENT team and the local community in Dunlewey were commended for the progress they have made to implement a long term sustainable solution in addressing on-going erosion on Errigal and it was noted at the meeting that the project showcases how collaboration and a unified approach can yield positive results for the protection of the natural environment.



As part of the project, 11 local volunteers assisted in conducting a Visitor Monitoring Survey over the summer of 2018 capturing key information to guide the community and the Stakeholders Group on the future maintenance and management of County Donegal’s highest and most iconic mountain.



An environmental assessment in line with the conservation objectives and a repair and restoration plan provided recommendations for areas most affected by erosion and a leading Scottish expert recommended the design techniques to be adopted for sustainable access to the summit of Errigal.



The project adopted a consensus approach from the outset to achieve the project’s core objective for Habitat Restoration and Sustainable Access of Errigal with a strong and constructive collaborative approach between all parties including Donegal County Council, the local community and the Errigal Stakeholders Group.  



Further information on the measures adopted in encouraging responsible use when visiting and climbing Errigal is available on a recently produced video called Ag siúl ar an Earagail le meas agus le siosmaid / Promoting Responsible Recreation at Errigal // .



Details of the Part 8 Planning Application including the plans and particulars are available on and are also available for inspection or purchase at the offices of Donegal County Council in Dungloe and Letterkenny Public Service Centre and in Lifford from Friday 1st February 2019 to Friday 1st March 2019. 



Submissions and observations may be made in writing to The County Secretariat, Donegal County Council, Lifford, Co. Donegal before 5.00pm on Tuesday 19th March 2019.



For more information on ASCENT visit:

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