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04/10/2016 - Former Donegal GAA star wants children to read


Wainfest 2016 off to a great start

Pictured at the launch of Wainfest 2016 on Friday 23 September in the Central Library, Letterkenny was Cathoirleach Cllr. Terence Slowey, Donegal GAA star Eamon McGee with staff from Donegal County Council’s Cultural Services and children from Mrs Daly’s class in St Colmcille Boys School in Letterkenny.



Former Donegal GAA footballer Eamon McGee has a simple message for children during this year’s Wainfest – “read and learn about the world, ask questions and don't be afraid to keep learning”.



Wainfest starts this Saturday (October 8th) with story parties in selected libraries around the county and will continue until Saturday 15th October.



Eamon McGee who officially launched this year’s Wainfest, is an avid reader and his love of books was clear for all to see when he spoke to the young children from Mrs Daly's class from St Colmcille Boys School in Letterkenny during the launch which took place in the Central Library on Friday 23 September.


Wainfest Launch 2016

Donegal GAA star Eamon McGee speaking to the children from Mrs. Daly’s class in St Colmcille Boys School in Letterkenny at the launch of Wainfest 2016 on Friday 23 September in the Central Library, Letterkenny.



He told his young audience that reading “is something that you bring with you throughout your life and there is nothing quite like getting lost in the magical world of a really good book”.



“I've always loved reading books and comics. I started with Roal Dahl’s BFG and it just grew from there. I remember reading Beano and then moving to the Marvel comics”.



 sked if he had a good imagination when he was a child, Eamon said “Yeah I had a great imagination.  I was always creating wee worlds and trying to write my own fantasy stories. Think I still have a few of them at home!”



Eamon believes that it is really important for children to be allowed to develop their own imaginations and to explore their own artistic endeavours.



“A child without an imagination is a poorer child.  You can get great ideas from reading a book and by using your own imagination you can make up our own stories and put yourself in your own adventures.”



He also says that you need to help children believe in themselves if they are to fulfil their potential.  “If a child sees that his peers believe in him, he will draw from that and my message is simple, read and learn about the world, ask questions and don't be afraid to keep learning”.



Eamon got a wonderful response from the boys when he asked them all to ‘do him a favour, and read one book in the next week’ and of course all the children promised to do this.



Wainfest Launch 2016

Donegal GAA fans from Mrs. Daly’s Class in St Colmcille Boys School in Letterkenny with former Donegal GAA footballer Eamon McGee pictured at the recent launch of Wainfest 2016.



Sinead McLaughlin, from the Donegal Library Service said it was great to have someone like Eamon McGee launch this year’s Wainfest.  “He is such a positive role model for the children and especially for the young boys.  To have someone like Eamon talk about his love of books and about how he and his team mates enjoyed reading on the bus when going to matches was brilliant.  This leaves such a positive impression on the children and we are delighted to have Eamon on board this year.”



Wainfest is organised by Donegal County Council’s Library Service and events run from 8th to 15th October and details can be found at  As most events require pre-booking, early booking is advisable to avoid disappointment.

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