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Dr. Peter FitzGerald founder of Randox Laboratories honoured

Dr. Peter FitzGerald being presented with a special gift of a painting of the Dorlin Beach, Loughris Point by Fionntan Gogarty, from Cllr. Ciaran Brogan, Cathaoirleach of Donegal County Council.  Also in the photo Cllr. Marie Therese Gallagher, Seamus Neely, Nuailin FitzGerald and Dr. Ciaran Richardson.

Dr. Peter FitzGerald being presented with a special gift of a painting of the Dorlin Beach, Loughris Point by Fionntan Gogarty, from Cllr. Ciaran Brogan, Cathaoirleach of Donegal County Council.  Also in the photo Cllr. Marie Therese Gallagher, Seamus Neely, Nuailin FitzGerald and Dr. Ciaran Richardson.


On Tuesday last, the Cathaoirleach of Donegal County Council Cllr. Ciaran Brogan hosted a special reception in honour of Dr. Peter FitzGerald, founder of Randox Laboratories, in the Dungloe Public Service Centre.


Members of the audience who attended the Cathaoirleach’s Reception in honour of Dr. Peter FitzGerald founder and Managing Director of Randox held on Tuesday in the Dungloe Public Service Centre. 

Members of the audience who attended the Cathaoirleach’s Reception in honour of Dr. Peter FitzGerald founder and Managing Director of Randox held on Tuesday in the Dungloe Public Service Centre.


Speaking at the reception Dr. Fitzgerald thanked the Cathaoirleach for hosting the reception saying “I am greatly honoured to be the recipient of this reception.  However, Randox is all about team work and I could not have built the company without the support and assistance of a magnificent team of people”.


At the Cathaoirleach’s Reception in honour of Dr. Peter FitzGerald founder and Managing Director of Randox held on Tuesday in the Dungloe Public Service Centre.  From left to right:  Cllr. Marie Therese Gallagher, Steve Ó Cúláin, CEO, Udaras, Cllr. Ciaran Brogan, Cathaoirleach, Cllr. Terence Slowey,  

At the Cathaoirleach’s Reception in honour of Dr. Peter FitzGerald founder and Managing Director of Randox held on Tuesday in the Dungloe Public Service Centre.  From left to right:  Cllr. Marie Therese Gallagher, Steve Ó Cúláin, CEO, Udaras, Cllr. Ciaran Brogan, Cathaoirleach, Cllr. Terence Slowey, Dr. Peter FitzGerald, Cllr. Enda Bonner, Pat the Cope Gallagher TD., Cllr. Michael McBride and Seamus Neely, CE, Donegal County Council.


He spoke about the work of Randox and of their future plans in the medical diagnostics industry.  “Our focus is on producing products that will save lives and most of the money made by Randox is re-invested back into the Research & Development side of the business”.


He added that the support that Randox received from the agencies in Donegal including Udaras na nGaeltachta, Letterkenny Institute of Technology and Donegal County Council was second to none. 


Dr Peter FitzGerald Founder and Managing Director of Randox Laboratories speaking at the Cathaoirleach’s Reception which was held in his honour at Dungloe Public Service Centre on Tuesday.

Dr Peter FitzGerald Founder and Managing Director of Randox Laboratories speaking at the Cathaoirleach’s Reception which was held in his honour at Dungloe Public Service Centre on Tuesday. 


Dr. FitzGerald has grown his company Randox Laboratories from humble beginnings in 1982 to becoming a world leading diagnostics company employing over 1,400 staff, with offices and distribution in 145 countries. 


A native of County Antrim, Dr. FitzGerald studied Biochemistry at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow after which he studied for a PhD at the National Institute for Medical Research, London.  Dr. FitzGerald also achieved two MRC Fellowships at The Queens University of Belfast and was awarded an Honorary Degree (DSc Hons) by the University of Ulster for services to Economic Development in 2010. 


 At the Cathaoirleach’s Reception in honour of Dr. Peter FitzGerald founder and Managing Director of Randox held on Tuesday in the Dungloe Public Service Centre.  From left to right John Andy Bonnar, LYIT, Cllr. Ciaran Brogan, Cathaoirleach, Dr. Peter Fitzgerald and Paul Hannigan, President of LYIT.

At the Cathaoirleach’s Reception in honour of Dr. Peter FitzGerald founder and Managing Director of Randox held on Tuesday in the Dungloe Public Service Centre.  From left to right John Andy Bonnar, LYIT, Cllr. Ciaran Brogan, Cathaoirleach, Dr. Peter Fitzgerald and Paul Hannigan, President of LYIT.


In 2008 Dr. FitzGerald established Randox Teoranta, part of the global Randox Group at Dungloe which currently employs 100 people with plans to increase this to 540 by 2020.  Randox Teoranta is a highly innovative life-sciences and engineering research & development and manufacturing centre playing a key role in improving clinical decision making worldwide.


John Campbell, Global Manufacturing Manager, Randox Laboratories; John Lamont, Chief Scientist, Randox Laboratories; Cllr. Ciaran Brogan, Cathaoirleach of Donegal County Council; 

John Campbell, Global Manufacturing Manager, Randox Laboratories; John Lamont, Chief Scientist, Randox Laboratories; Cllr. Ciaran Brogan, Cathaoirleach of Donegal County Council; David Martin, Manufacturing Manager, Randox Laboratories; Dr. Peter FitzGerald, Founder and Managing Director, Randox Laboratories; Mark Campbell, Senior Manager, Randox Laboratories; Mr Seamus Neely, CEO, Donegal County Council; Ivan McConnell, Global R&D Manager, Randox Laboratories; Pauline Bradley, Financial Controller, Randox Laboratories


In her address Cllr. Marie Therese Gallagher said that Randox has brought a new lease of life to Dungloe and to west Donegal.  She recalled how only 3 out of 30 students from her class remained in Dungloe but now Randox has given those wishing to return home great new opportunities.


Cllr. Brogan said that Randox is a great example for other businesses wishing to set up in Donegal.  “Dr. FitzGerald’s accomplishments are immense, his contribution to the medical diagnostics sector, his commitment to continued research and development and his business acumen are testament to the work of a remarkable individual.  And because Dr. FitzGerald and his team at Randox have taken the decision to set up in Donegal and expand their world class facility in Dungloe, this is a great story for Donegal and sends out a very clear message that Donegal is open for business and it is a great place to live, to work and to do business in and from”.


Present were board members and employees from Údarás na Gaeltachta, Eunan Mac Cuinneagáin, Board Member; Michéal Ó hÉanaigh, Director of Enterprise and Employment; David Alcorn,  

Present were board members and employees from Údarás na Gaeltachta, Eunan Mac Cuinneagáin, Board Member; Michéal Ó hÉanaigh, Director of Enterprise and Employment; David Alcorn, Board Member; Steve Ó Cúláin, CEO; Donnchadh Ó Baoill, Development Executive;  Donnchadh Ó Baoill;, Alan Ó Baoid, Development Executive with Micheal McCloone, Cllr Ciarán Brogan, Dr Peter Fitzgerald, Randox and Anne Bonner of Donegal Airport. 


He also stated that “credit must also go to Údarás na Gaeltachta who have been strong supporters of this enterprise since it was established in Dungloe in 2008.  Their ongoing commitment has seen Randox realise their vision of a world class research and manufacturing centre in Dungloe”.


“By creating highly-skilled jobs, Randox now presents great opportunities for Donegal graduates living in other parts of the country and abroad to return to work in their own county”.


Randox Teoranta employees attending the Cathaoirleach’s Reception in honour of Dr. Peter FitzGerald on Tuesday.  Included front row l to r: Ciaran Richardson,

Randox Teoranta employees attending the Cathaoirleach’s Reception in honour of Dr. Peter FitzGerald on Tuesday.  Included front row l to r: Ciaran Richardson, R&D Manager, Randox Teoranta, Cllr. Ciaran Brogan, Donegal County Council, Dr. Peter FitzGerald, Founder and Managing Director, Randox Laboratories, Seamus Neely, CE, Donegal County Council. Second row l to r: Ronan Gallagher, Scientific R&D Team Leader; Lisa Staunton, Scientific R&D Team Leader, Susan McFadden, Purchasing Supervisor; Christina McFadden, Engineering Project Manager; Peter McKee, Production Supervisor; Tara Doherty, Scientific R&D Team Leader; Ivan McConnell, Global R&D Manager.  Third row l to r: Kenneth Martin, Senior Scientist; Hughie Walsh, Production Team Leader;  Sarah Gildea, Senior Scientist; Bosco Devine, Electronic Engineer; Frank Glackin, Quality Assurance Manager;  Eibhlin McCole, Scientific R&D Team Leader; Brendan Boyle, Engineering Manufacturing Manager.  Back row l to r: Michael Boyle, Analyser Manufacturing Team Leader; Ceri Noyle, Stores Team Leader ; Ciaran Ferry, Analyser Manufacturing Team Leader; Brendan Bonner, Analyser Manufacturing Team Leader; Michael Duffy, Electrical Engineer;  Andrew Sharp, Software Manager;  Martin Conlon, Scientific R&D Team Leader;  Mark Summers, Scientific R&D Team Leader;  Daniel Melly, Mechanical Engineer.


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