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26/11/19 - Donegal County Council signs up to All-Ireland Pollinator Plan


DCC signs up to All-Ireland Pollinator Plan 379x269

Pictured in Buncrana at the signing ceremony of Donegal County

Council signing up to the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan are (front

row seated from left to right): Dermot Mc Laughlin, Cllr. Nicholas

Crossan (Cathaoirleach, Donegal County Council), Joe Peoples

(Director of Service, Donegal County Council) & Cllr. Rena Donaghey. 

Back row (from left to right): Willie McKinney, Dolores Barber,

Cora McLaughlin, Bogdan Moilon, Colm Grant, Annette McNellis,

Jimmy O’Neill, Ann Doherty, Deidre Mullally, George McDermott,

Liam McDaid, Barry Doherty, Karl King & Seamus Hopkins.



Donegal County Council signs up to All-Ireland Pollinator Plan



Donegal County Council became the seventeenth local authority on the island of Ireland to sign-up to the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan on Wednesday, November 20.  At a short signing ceremony in the Council offices in Buncrana, Cllr. Nicholas Crossan, Cathaoirleach, Donegal County Council was joined by Joe Peoples, Director of Housing, Corporate & Cultural Services and members of Buncrana Tidy Towns and Donegal County Council staff to witness the signing of the agreement between Donegal County Council and the National Biodiversity Data Centre. 



Under the agreement which will require a cross-directorate approach, Donegal County Council has committed to consider the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan in its policies, plans and management decisions and has committed to undertake a number of actions each year to help pollinators.  The National Biodiversity Data Centre has outlined 30 actions that local authorities can take to help pollinators and Donegal County Council will report annually on progress.  These actions include managing pollinator-friendly roadside verges, creating meadows, undertaking pollinator-friendly mowing, planting native hedgerows, reducing/eliminating use of pesticides, erecting signage to indicate pollinator-friendly habitats, promoting and distributing pollinator-friendly guidelines as well as facilitating training on pollinators and how to take action to protect them.



“One third of our 99 bee species are threatened with extinction from Ireland” explained Juanita Browne, All-Ireland Pollinator Plan Project Officer at the National Biodiversity Data Centre.  “This is because we have drastically reduced the amount of food, wildflowers and safe nesting sites in our landscapes.  The All-Ireland Pollinator Plan was launched in 2015 as a shared plan of action to try to reverse these declines and work with local authorities, communities, businesses, parks, schools and farms to make an Ireland where pollinators can survive and thrive.”



Since 2016, Local Authority Heritage Offices & Biodiversity Offices in partnership with the National Biodiversity Data Centre have sponsored an annual Local Authority Pollinator Award as part of the ‘Tidy Towns’ competition.  Buncrana Tidy Towns won the National ‘Tidy Towns’ Pollinator Award for the first time in 2019 and the regional ‘Tidy Towns’ Local Authority Pollinator Award for the North West & West Region in the Large Town Category for the third year in a row.  The focus of the award is on biodiversity and the crucial role that the declining population of Irish bees play in the pollination of our plants, trees and vegetables.  The award encourages local groups to implement pollinator-friendly actions in their towns and villages. 



The National Biodiversity Data Centre has produced a series of booklets that highlights actions that local authorities and local communities can undertake to address the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan.  If you would like to play your part or help Donegal County Council play its part, further information is available at:

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