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Donegal to host major European Conference

15 September 2014


Press Release


Donegal to host major European Conference


Ehealth: Independence and Inclusion in the 21st Century


Donegal will play host to a major European Conference which will see up to 100 delegates from various European countries visiting Letterkenny over the course of three days in October 2014.


This conference which is being hosted by Donegal County Council, is being organised by the Assembly of the European Regions (AER) in partnership with SmartCare and the ENGAGED network.  It will attract policy and decisions makers from a range of European countries including France, Denmark, Italy, Turkey and the UK and will focus on E-health, Independence and Inclusion in the 21st Century.


Seamus Neely, Chief Executive with Donegal County Council said that “securing this high profile conference is a great opportunity for Donegal and for Letterkenny and it is dealing with the theme of health which is very relevant to this region”.  He added “this conference will see visitors from various European countries visiting the county and it is a great opportunity to showcase what Donegal has to offer as a place to do business, a place to visit and a place to live in.  The Council is currently working with a number of key partner organisations in preparing for this conference and we want to make sure that all the delegates have a positive and memorable experience of their visit to Donegal”.


The conference which takes place from the 20th to 23rd October is being organised by the Assembly of the European Regions which is the largest independent network of regional authorities in wider Europe bringing together nearly 230 regions from 35 countries along with 15 interregional organisations.  It is a forum for interregional co-operation and a lobbyist for regional interests on the European stage.


This conference will take the form of a 3 day political debate and a variety of seminars and workshops will provide a unique opportunity to share experiences, engage with regional politicians and officers from across Europe and promote further European interregional co-operation in the field of active & healthy ageing.


President of the Assembly of the European Regions Hande Ozsan Bozatli will be in attendance over the course of the conference and one of the main highlights over the three days will be meeting with the Donegal Youth Council and sharing learning and experiences from projects and initiatives in Donegal, many of which have benefited from European funding programmes. 


To register for this conference visit


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