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Donegal Daily teams ups with the Council to promote road safety message

Donegal Daily Road Safety 379 x 269

John Gildea and Stephen Maguire from Donegal Daily with Brian O'Donnell, Donegal Road Safety Officer launching the Donegal Daily backed Road Safety Campaign


In the run-in to one of the busiest periods on our local roads, Donegal Daily has teamed up with Donegal County Council to highlight the ongoing dangers on our roads and behind our steering wheels.


The Councils Road Safety Officer Brian O’Donnell is delighted to have the support of Donegal Daily and has said people must continue to strive to drive safely on the county’s roads.


Brian O’Donnell’s hard-hitting message comes following new figures which show Donegal motorists are amongst the worst offenders for drink-driving in the country.

In a hard-hitting interview, Mr O’Donnell says that Donegal drivers must come clean about their driving habits and ask themselves if they are putting themselves and other people in danger when they get behind the wheel.


From texting while driving to speeding to not wearing seatbelts, we must all stand back and take a look at out driving habits – and improve them.


Although thankfully nobody has been killed on Donegal’s roads so far this year, there have been multiple crashes which have resulted in serious injuries for several people.

Mr O’Donnell said “We need to continue to send the message out there to people on our roads that we must continue to improve our driving habits.


“It is everyone’s responsibility to drive as safely as they can when they get behind the wheel.


“Donegal is a vast county and we do a lot of driving on our roads. We must all take responsibility when we get behind the wheel.”


Mr O’Donnell said that while recent emphasis has been on the use of mobile phones, his personal opinion is that we must continue to tackle every aspect of bad driving.


“Texting and talking on our phones while driving is a major issue. But my personal opinion is that all aspects of poor driving such as speeding and not wearing seat belts contribute just as much to the dangers and tragic consequences on our roads.


“We must continue to ensure that the messages gets across that it is not socially acceptable to drink and drink, to speed or to use your phone be that texting or talking on the phone while driving.


“That message has got across to some degree with drink-driving but we must ensure that it also hits home for the wearing of seat belts and also the use of phone while driving,” he said.


Donegal Daily has committed to support the council to continue to highlight road safety as a matter of priority on their website in a bid to help get the road safety messages across to the general public. Donegal Daily is urging the public to like and share road safety posts with friends in an effort to highlight road safety awareness on Donegal’s roads.


Road safety is all our responsibility.

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