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Donegal County Council Social Inclusion Week 2014


Donegal County Council’s annual Social Inclusion Week takes place from the 6th – 10th October 2014, with the official launch taking place on Friday 3rd October 2014 in Donegal Public Services Centre at 10am, by Cllr John Campbell, Cathaoirleach.


Social Inclusion Week aims to highlight the very positive work being done not only by Donegal County Council but also by other statutory and community organisations in attempting to raise awareness of social inclusion related issues in Donegal.  This week of events has been organised in conjunction with national efforts to mark “2014 – the 2nd year of the European Year of Citizens” and has coordinated a programme of events which are taking place throughout the County.


Once again this year, Donegal County Council introduced a number of themes for Social Inclusion Week, which include Health and wellbeing, Family supports, Cultural Diversity, Inclusion through sport, the role of Community & Voluntary Sector and the voice of older people and Carers.


Donegal County Council is leading out on a number of events throughout the week, including the keynote event the “Ren Net SAVE SHOW, Save Energy - Save Money” which will focus on ways of saving on energy costs in the home.  This free event will take place on Thursday 9th October 2014 from 11am until 5pm in the Silver Tassie Hotel, Letterkenny.  There will be an exhibition of products and services including insulation, rainwater harvesting, solar panels, stoves,  a building contractor, tax and financial consultants, security,  a pharmacist giving free blood pressure checks  and confidential consultations on medications  and SEAI will be there to advise on grants available and more. A full list of exhibitors is available on  Save Energy Save Money talks will take place from 11.30am to 12.30pm with popular MC John Breslin and will be of particular interest to older people. 


Wednesday morning, in the Regional Cultural Centre (RCC) at 11am, the 5th Annual ME4U awards will take place recognising the contributions of volunteers and organisations across Co. Donegal.


The Pride Of Place awards will also take place in the RCC at the 11am on Wednesday which acknowledge the contributions made by community groups across Donegal.


On Friday morning 3rd October the Cathaoirleach, Cllr. John Campbell will welcome older people from the local community to the launch of Social Inclusion week in Donegal Town Public Services Centre at 10am. Michael O’hEanaigh, Director of Community, Culture and Planning said that “this event is the highlight of Social Inclusion Week for both staff and guests and has proved to be a great success over the last number of years. It is great opportunity for staff to meet and greet older people from our communities and for the older people to meet and talk with staff; it is also a great social event where groups from different areas of the community can interact”


Other events throughout the week include Women’s coffee morning hosted by Letterkenny Womens Centre, Change a little, change a LOT – How inclusive is your school, hosted by HSE.


 Donegal Local Development Company will be leading out on a number of initiatives which include information events on dyslexia, education & training supports for unemployed youth event, man – up campaign, mens shed open night,  ‘Know your Community’ – information event promoting Social Inclusion through community participation.


Mr. Seamus Neely, Chief Executive “is delighted to be involved in Social Inclusion Week 2014, society grows strongly when its citizens participate and I encourage everyone to take part in the various events organised around the County throughout this week”. 


For further information please contact: Charles Sweeney, Social Inclusion Co-ordinator, 087 911 2401 or Caroline McCleary Assistant Social Inclusion Co-ordinator, 087 669 2068

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