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09/06/15 - Dog Poop bin there after your dogs done that


Donegal County Council’s diligent litter wardens have been out again highlighting the problems associated with people allowing their dogs to foul up public parks and walkways.


Inishowen Municipal District Litter Warden Pearse McCrory, his colleague Brian McBrearty and one of the Council’s dog wardens, Jackie Murphy recently visited The Green and Shore Walk in Moville and Swan Park and Shore Path to Stragill Strand in Buncrana.


They spent two hours in each area talking to passers by about the need to keep all areas clean and free from dog foul.


 According to Pearse, they met with a favourable response as people appreciated they were carrying out an important task.


“When we explained what we were doing and the dangers associated with dog fouling the people we met, including many out for a walk with their dog, were very receptive and said they supported what we were doing. No one took offence to being asked to use a poop scoop or bag to take their dog’s litter home,” he said.


 He added this was not a one off inspection. “We will be dropping in on various areas if we receive complaints from the public. There are a few special plastic bins now in place for the poop and we hope people will use them,” said Pearse.


 Remember if it’s your dog, it’s your responsibility.


 Dog waste left on the ground is more than smelly and unsightly….it pollutes our water and poses a health risk for pets and people, especially children.  Please remember to always Scoop the Poop and to dispose of pet waste properly.


It adds up.  One pile of pet waste might not seem like a lot; however, thousands of dogs live in Donegal, generating pounds of waste throughout the county every day. 


When not disposed of properly, this waste washes into local waterways and causes problems with:


Human and Pet Health




Other viruses and parasites

Water Quality

Algae and aquatic weeds

Reduced oxygen for fish

What Can I Do?

Bring It! Carry a scooper bag when you walk your dog.   

Scoop It! Use the baggie like a glove, scoop the poop, invert and seal the bag.

Toss It! It belongs in the trash. Your dog …your responsibility!

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