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Congratulations once again to Tidy Towns Committees throughout the County

Press Release


10 September 2014


Congratulations once again to Tidy Towns Committees throughout the County


The Cathaoirleach of Donegal Cllr. John Campbell, on behalf of Donegal County Council, congratulates all the towns and villages in Co. Donegal who participated in this years SuperValu Tidy Towns Competition and in particular commends the 5 new entries into the 2014 competition bringing the total entries for Donegal, in 2014, to 40.


Speaking after the Award Ceremony in the Helix in Dublin, the Cathaoirleach paid tribute to the hard work and dedication of the many volunteers throughout the county who do great work throughout the year to have their towns and villages ready for the annual competition. This hard work and dedication is very evident in the results today with every group in Donegal increasing their marks from the 2013 competition. This is all the more encouraging as changes to this years competition saw some categories joined together and increased marks available for categories.


Cllr Campbell especially acknowledged the towns of Letterkenny and Glenties who received Gold Medal awards, Raphoe and Buncrana who received Silver Medal awards and Malin and Carraig Airt who received the Bronze Medal awards with Letterkenny, Glenties and Malin also featuring in the County awards. Special congratulations should also go to Carrigans Tidy Towns committee for winning an Endeavour Award by seeing an increase of a staggering 18 points from the 2013 competition.


He also noted that Carraig Airt has once again won the Gaeltacht award with Loch an Iuir being Highly Commended in the Gaeltacht award. Buncrana Tidy Towns were also joint winners of the Heritage Award for the Buncrana Heritage Trail.


Cllr. Campbell also called on the people of Donegal to be very proud of their local Tidy Towns committees and all the volunteer work they do saying “people should now consider taking action and getting involved themselves in any small way. New volunteers are always needed, so why not join in and help make your local town, village and County somewhere to be very proud of”.


The Chief Executive, Mr. Seamus Neely, joined with the Cathaoirleach in congratulating all the participants of the Tidy Towns Competition.  He said that ‘these towns and villages are all worthy of an award and are a great example of what can be achieved by working together in a local community.  The impact of the Tidy Towns Committees is very important not only because of the civic pride it generates but also for the confidence it instils in local businesses during these challenging times and I have no doubt that the Tidy Town Committees have a very important role to play in the regeneration of our local economy”.

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