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CLG Dhún na nGall and Ryan Mc Hugh supporting Road Safety in Donegal

ryan mchugh road safety


The Donegal Road Safety Working Group and CLG Dhún na nGall are again joining together to urge drivers to take care on our roads.


With County teams and Club team at all levels travelling thousands of miles by road each year, supporters are being encouraged to follow their teams safely by driving at an appropriate speed for the unpredictable conditions in order to reduce the risks when driving on our roads. While in 2015 the number of road deaths nationally was at 166 down by 27 on 2014, 11 of those people died in Donegal. Motorists driving at excessive and inappropriate speed are still the major contributory factors in road traffic collisions. To date in 2016, a total of 77 people have lost their lives on our roads, an increase of 17 on the same period last year. Far too many people are losing their lives on our roads and it is essential that motorists reduce their speed to improve road safety.


At the recent launch, Brian O’ Donnell, Road Safety Officer, said: “I am delighted that CLG Dhún na nGall and our Ambassador, Ryan McHugh are supporting the ‘Safe Driving for the Football Season’ campaign. “Many Donegal fans travel the roads to attend matches to support their local club and/or county football and hurling teams, but it's never the right decision to put ourselves, our families and others in harm's way to get there faster. We need to remind motorists, as the busy summer football and hurling season is underway, to obey speed limits, reduce speed in inclement weather conditions and allow plenty of time to arrive safely at their destination, always wear your seatbelt, never use a mobile phone while driving, never drive under the influence of drink or drugs and beware of driver fatigue. The tragedy of all the suffering caused by road traffic collisions is compounded by the fact that so much of it is preventable. I would appeal to all drivers to take a moment to think about the potential effects the risk-taking behaviour may have not just on themselves, but their friends who are with them, on their families at home and on their extended families.


The campaign is again supported by our Road Safety Ambassador, Ryan Mc Hugh, and he conveyed his message that you don’t have to be going over the speed limit to be going too fast.” Players also drive to attend training or travel to matches and sadly we know that there have been far too many fatalities on our roads. Even the best drivers in the world adjust their speed to take account of driving conditions”.


Donegal G.A.A. County Chairman, Sean Dunnion closed the launch by saying “There is simply no room for complacency, one death on Donegal’s roads is one too many and our focus continues to be helping to reduce the number of fatalities and serious injuries on our roads”.




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