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04/12/18 - Donegal Civil Defence hosts Auxiliary Fire Service Training Day


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Participants from Donegal, Cavan and Monaghan Civil Defence

taking part in the first Northern Regional Intercounty Auxiliary

Fire Service training day in Donegal Civil Defence Headquarters

in Stranorlar on Saturday 24th November where participants

with familiarised with the the equipment on a fire appliance,

its ancillary equipment and the Fire Services standard operating




Donegal Civil Defence hosted the first ever Northern Regional Intercounty Auxiliary Fire Service (AFS) Training Day on Saturday 24th November at its headquarters in Stranorlar.



36 participants including volunteers from Cavan, Donegal and Monaghan took part in the training day which was about creating a greater level of awareness and understanding of the role of the Auxiliary Fire Service within Civil Defence and the local authority so that volunteers are better prepared to respond to fire related situations that arise within their own county and regionally.



The training also allowed participants to gain a better understanding and appreciation for health and safety and mandatory training and familiarise themselves on the importance of the correct and appropriate use of signs and lighting, the equipment on a fire appliance, its ancillary equipment and the Fire Services Council standard operating guidelines.



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Lining up at the first Northern Regional Intercounty Auxiliary

Fire Service training day on Saturday 24th November at the

Donegal Civil Defence Headquarters in Stranorlar



The day commenced with talks on health, safety and legislation, PPE familiarisation, equipment familiarisation and standard operating guidelines delivered by Brendan Buckley, Monaghan Civil Defence Officer and Mickey Feeney AFS Instructor.



Workshops in the morning were facilitated by Fintan Cooney, and Donal Treanor, AFS Instructors from Cavan and allowed participants to gain valuable knowledge on the different types of hoses, hose reels, hose management and maintenance. 


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Participants from Donegal, Cavan and Monaghan Civil

Defence taking part in the first Northern Regional Intercounty

Auxiliary Fire Service training day in Donegal Civil Defence

Headquarters Stranorlar on Saturday 24th November.



The importance of scene safety, proper signage, and appropriate lighting was delivered by Charles Fitzsimons, Cavan Civil Defence, and James Speers, AFS Cavan delivered an excellent workshop on Portable Pumps and the Main Pump.



In the afternoon, volunteers had the opportunity to put into practice the learning gained at the earlier workshops.  The day, which was a valuable learning for everyone involved concluded with a cross section debrief which will be used to formulate the planning for follow on training. 

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