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Policies, Plans and Publications


Housing for All


‘Housing for All - a New Housing Plan for Ireland’ is the government’s housing plan to 2030.


It is a multi-annual, multi-billion euro plan to improve Ireland’s housing system and deliver more homes of all types for people with different housing needs.


The government’s overall objective is that every citizen in the State should have access to good quality homes:


  • to purchase or rent at an affordable price,
  • built to a high standard and in the right place,
  • offering a high quality of life.


 Housing for All provides four pathways to achieving four overarching objectives:


  • Supporting Home ownership and Increasing Affordability
  • Eradicating Homelessness, Increasing Social Housing Delivery and Supporting Social Inclusion;
  • Increasing New Housing Supply; and
  • Addressing Vacancy and Efficient Use of Existing Stock.


The plan and further details can be obtained at: gov - Housing for All - a New Housing Plan for Ireland (



Donegal’s Housing Delivery Action Plan 2022 – 2026


The Council is committed to increasing thesupply of social housing within the County.  See further details at Donegal’s Housing Delivery Action Plan 2022 – 2026



Strategic Plan for Housing People with a Disability


The Donegal Strategic Plan for Housing People with a Disability 2022 to 2026 aims to facilitate access for people with disabilities to the appropriate range of housing and related support services. This Plan will be delivered in an integrated and sustainable manner, and promote equality of opportunity, individual choice and independent living.


The core goal of the Strategic Plan is to meet the identified housing needs of people with disabilities in Donegal whether they are currently living in the community and or in a congregated setting. 


The  Plan can be viewed via the following link: Strategic Plan for Housing People with a Disability.


Traveller Accommodation Programme


The Council’s current Traveller Accommodation Programme (2019-2024) is available here Traveller Accommodation Programme.