Dangerous Substances
Donegal County Council are the licensing authority for the County of Donegal under the Dangerous Substances Act 1972 and issue licences for the storage of flammable liquids and fuels under the following Regulations:
- Dangerous Substances (Flammable Liquids and Fuels Retail Stores) Regulations, 2019 (S.I. No. 630 of 2019)
- Dangerous Substance (Flammable Liquids and Fuels Distribution and Commercial Supply Stores) Regulations, 2019 (S.I. No. 631 of 2019)
These Regulations came into effect on 1st April 2020. They repeal and replace the Dangerous Substances (Retail and Private Petroleum Stores) Regulations, 1979 (S.I. No. 311 of 1979) and the Dangerous Substances (Petroleum Bulk Stores) Regulations, 1979 (S.I. No. 313 of 1979).
The Regulations are broader in scope than the 1979 Regulations and include Diesel, as well as several ‘alternative fuels’ such as electricity, hydrogen, biofuels, synthetic and paraffinic fuels, compressed natural gas (CNG), liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and liquefied natural gas (LNG).
A PDF version of the new Regulations and a guidance document on frequently asked questions is available on the website of the Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation at this link.
Licence Obligations
1. For Retail and Kerbside Retail Stores
All retail and kerbside retail stores which store flammable liquids and fuels for the purposes of sale or supply to the public must have a Licence or Certificate of Operation to operate granted by the appropriate licencing authority. Application form and information pack can be found here
2. For Distribution and Commercial Supply Stores
All distribution and commercial supply stores which hold flammable liquids and fuels for supply or sale to commercial enterprises, for supply to the licensee’s own vehicles or for use in any engine under the licensee’s control must have a licence granted by the appropriate licensing authority.
Application form and information pack can be found on here
1. A competent person should be engaged to carry out same having regards to S.I. No 630 of 2019 (Dangerous Substance (Flammable Liquids and Fuels Retail Stores) Regulations, 2019
2. A copy of the Explosion Protection Document, Drawings and Risk Assessment shall be maintained on site.
3. The risk assessment considerations (and implementation) shall have due regard to the APEA "Blue Book" Design, Construction, Modification, Maintenance and Decommissioning of Filling Stations and Section 8 of the Red Guide "Guidance on managing the risks of fire and explosion"
4. Vehicle movement (traffic entering / exiting the site and within the site) and designated pedestrian routes on the site shall be reviewed to address any potential impacts.
1. The drainage from the tanker stand shall be adequate to contain a large spill (i.e. 1000l/min). Drainage channels around the entire perimeter of the impervious concrete tanker stand (17.5m x 5.5m) to accommodate same is required.
2. Drainage channels / gradient from tanker stand to gully require upgrading.
3. The status history for variances in the monthly 3rd party Wetstock reconciliation indicates the report as inconclusive - not analysed.
4. Wetstock management records to clarify variances were not available at the time of inspection.
5. Identify the tanker stand location with delineation on site.
6. Clarify what dispensers (if any) are in use during tanker deliveries and demonstrate that the tanker can exit in a forward direction from the site.
7. Provide details on information supplied to the driver pre-delivery regarding site access and contact with competent person on site.
8. Fill points shall be locked when not in use.
9. The offset fills are to be protected against vehicle collision.
10. Provision of high-level alarm for overfill protection.
1. Are signs present / required for manifold vent / overfill protection / no. of compartments that can be loaded simultaneously
2. The fill pipes shall be labelled with tank number, type of fuel and safe working capacity of the tank
3. Vent pipes to be labelled indicating tank / interceptor it serves etc.
4. Existing FF switch should be provided with signage to indicate operation for isolating power to forecourt and dispensers.
5. Signage for all traffic entering, exiting and on site shall be reviewed and an action plan implemented.
1. A vent pipe for the new oil separator (interceptor) of min 2.4m high with flame arrestors for the oil separator shall be required.
2. Vent pipes from storage tanks should be a minimum of 4m high (with vapour recovery) or 5m high (without vapour recovery)
3. Vent pipes shall be protected from vehicle collision.
4. Vent pipes should terminate a minimum of 2m horizontally from the boundary.
1. The forecourt drainage shall be reviewed and demonstrated how spills outside the current perimeter of the forecourt drainage will be retained on site i.e. spills 4.25m from the dispenser or the length of dispenser hose whichever is greater.
2. All areas within 4.25m of the dispenser shall be impervious with falls to the drainage channel.
3. Paviours are provided on the forecourt which are not sealed. Clarify how the forecourt surface is impervious to fuel spills.
4. There should be no cavities / voids beneath suction dispensers.
5. Adequate absorbent material to be available in a "fire bucket" on the forecourt.
6. Fire extinguishers on forecourt should not contain a mixture of both i.e. dry powder or alternatively foam (with anti-freeze provision) to be provided.
7. A PA system to enable communication with self-service customers from the cashier desk shall be provided.
8. All dispensers shall be protected both sides from collision of vehicles either by canopy stanchion or bollard protection on the island.
9. Dispenser hoses should be adequately protected from passing vehicles
10. All dispensers shall have nozzle latches removed.
11. Manual emergency stop buttons (red push button on yellow background) should be provided at each cashier desk to isolate dispensers
12. CCTV to be installed at cashier desk / station to monitor dispensing at all pumps outside of sight lines from cashier desk.
13. Safety signs for each dispenser shall be displayed in a prominent position at each dispenser filling location.
14. Dispensers shall not be located on the boundary unless the hazardous zones and spillages can be contained within the site boundary
15. The suitability of the location of dispenser shall be reviewed having regard to the location of the car wash pit (i.e. as spillages may bypass the oil separator).
16. Storage of combustible materials in hazardous zones (i.e. in particular between dispensers on the forecourt) shall not be permitted.
17. Where the station operates in unmanned mode UMS 3 for card reader authorisation, clarify the following.
(a) Associated Management / Engineered Control Measures in Place
(b) Staff Training for 3rd party (where applicable)
(c) Location and contact details of 3rd party security monitoring office.
(d) Compliance with Table 6 of the Red Guide "Guidance on managing the risks of fire and explosion"
(e) Compliance with the requirements of Section 7.6.7 and 7.6.9 of the Blue Book.
1. Details of the Dangerous Substance application to be kept on site (hazardous zones drawing, explosion protection document, tank to pump layout etc).
2. Staff training for personnel dealing with petroleum to be provided. Training to cover items listed within Appendix 2 of the Red Guide "Guidance on managing the risks of fire and explosion"
3. Lifting keys to be available on site for opening all manholes and electrical chambers
4. The LPG storage shall be required to comply with I.S. 3213. Advice in this regard to a suitable location should be sought from your supplier or other competent person / company.
5. Clarify the type of leak detection system and monitoring currently in place? Does it comply with Table 5 and 9 and of the Energy Institute "Design, Construction, Modification, Maintenance and Decommissioning of Filling Stations 5th Edition".
6. Authorisation of fuel sales shall be manually activated by employees when a request to dispense fuels has been accepted.
1. A new 10,000 litre Class 1 interceptor to I.S. EN858 shall be required to be provided. The carwash interceptor shall be separate to the forecourt oil separator.
2. The interceptor from the tanker stand indicates a single chamber, clarify if the single chamber interceptor is fitted with automatic warning devices / alarms?
3. Clarify the size of the (fuel) interceptors and submit last cleaning record
4. An electrical certificate to I.S. EN 60079 shall be submitted. In addition, the certifier shall include evidence of specific training (CompEx 07/08) for proof of competence for certifying works in hazardous areas
5. Is there a general periodic inspection and test report for the premises within the last 5 years
6. Is the ducting between to the building and between manholes serving tanks / dispensers sealed to prevent escape of hydrocarbon vapours
7. Above ground tanks shall be required to have bunding to 110% of its contents.
8. The top of the underground tank was not fully visible upon opening the manhole due to presence of mud. This shall be cleaned and checked for signs of corrosion.
9. All manholes to be cleaned and regularly checked for any debris or liquid.
10. Are there unused tanks on site? Provide evidence how they have been decommissioned in accordance with the Blue Book, where they exist.
11. Electric vehicle supply equipment shall comply with the recommendations of Section 9.5.11 and 9.6.4 of the Energy Institute "Design, Construction, Modification, Maintenance and Decommissioning of Filling Stations 5th Edition