Litter and Waste Complaints
Donegal County Council is the first port of call for complaints from members of the public regarding littering and illegal dumping of waste through the Council's Call Centre (074) 91 53900. There are also a number of other ways to make a complaint out of hours from your mobile through the EPA National Environment Complaints Line 1800 365 123.
The Council responds to complaints from the public and the EPA through its team of 6 Litter Wardens one of whom is based in each of the County’s Electoral area and Waste Regulation Officers based in Lifford.
A compliant from a member of the public can be directed to the Donegal County Council, Call Centre (074) 9153900 and this will then be directed to the appropriate person for investigation.
EPA National Environment Complaints Line (NECL) 1800 365 123
Where the public observe littering or illegal dumping outside of the Councils office hours or wish to complain directly to the EPA, they can make a confidential complaint through the Dump the Dumper Hotline. This is manned 24/7 and the complaint will be directed to Donegal County Council on commencement of office hours. The contact number is 1800 365 123.