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Aftermath of Storm Éowyn

Date: 25 Jan 2025


Further update - Aftermath of Storm Éowyn

Update 25/01/25

While the worst of Storm Éowyn has passed, the public are advised to continue to exercise caution given that further strong winds are forecast for Sunday and a Snow-Ice warning is also in place for the county tonight.   Further damage to already weakened structures and trees is possible together with dangerous travelling conditions. The public is reminded of the danger of fallen trees as it may be the case that there could be electricity wires tangled up with the tree that will pose a risk to life. 


The following weather warnings have been issued by Met Éireann

Status Yellow - Snow-Ice warning for Donegal, Leitrim, Mayo, Sligo

Met Éireann Weather Warning

Scattered snow showers becoming isolated overnight with icy stretches.

Valid: 20:00 Saturday 25/01/2025 to 09:00 Sunday 26/01/2025


Status Yellow - Wind warning for Donegal, Leitrim, Louth, Meath

Met Éireann Weather Warning

Strong and gusty winds.
Further damage to already weakened structures and trees. Dangerous travelling conditions.

Valid: 11:00 Sunday 26/01/2025 to 18:00 Sunday 26/01/2025

Issued: 11:01 Saturday 25/01/2025


The fall out of Storm Éowyn resulted in fallen trees, utility lines and other debris blocking a substantial number of roads within the county.  Roads crews have started the process of clearing trees where it is safe to do so on a prioritised basis.  This work will take a number of days, running into next week to complete, and updates will be posted on our social media channels and on   The Council advise that all National Primary routes have been cleared apart from the N14 Lifford to Letterkenny Road which is blocked near Feddyglass, Raphoe with a road closure in place on the N14 between Lifford and Ballinalecky Crossroads until further notice.   Diversions are in place via Ballinalecky, Raphoe and Ballindrait. The majority of National Secondary roads and Regional Roads have also been cleared of blockages.

The Letterkenny to Ramelton Road will be closed tomorrow morning between Woodlands and the Golf Course Road to facilitate removal of an overhanging wire.

Power outages are causing issues with traffic signals in various locations.  If approaching signalised junctions where signals are not working, normal rules of the road will apply such as give way to traffic on your right.

Donegal Civil Defence, in association with Donegal County Council, are available to provide essential services, to the vulnerable in the community during the aftermath of Storm Éowyn.  Calls received will be triaged with medical interventions and home support calls prioritised.  If anyone is in need of assistance, please contact Donegal Civil Defence on 074-9153900 


Donegal County Council’s phoneline 074-9153900 will remain open until 5pm this evening (Saturday) and tomorrow (Sunday) from 9am to 5pm to report issues and in addition the public are encouraged to use #EowynDL to report local issues on Facebook or on X(Twitter)

For emergencies requiring the assistance of the Fire Service call 999 or 112.  


ESB Networks can be contacted on 1800 372 999 to report emergencies or faults. Use the PowerCheck App to check for reconnection times if your electricity is out.  


Update 24/01/25

As Storm Éowyn subsides Donegal County Council advises the general public to exercise extreme caution when travelling and moving outdoors again. As the extent of the damage is assessed, the public are reminded to exercise great care as it will take a considerable period of time for all authorities to assess the damage and potential dangers that exist for the public.

The fall out of Storm Éowyn has resulted in fallen trees, utility lines and other debris blocking a substantial number of roads within the county including National Primary and National Secondary routes. Roads crews have started the process of clearing trees where it is safe to do so on a prioritised basis. This work will take a number of days to complete, and updates will be posted on our social media channels and on

A Status Yellow Wind Warning remains in place for Donegal until 11pm this evening and this will be followed by a Status Yellow Snow-Ice warning, valid from 9pm this evening until 9am tomorrow morning leading to icy stretches and snow showers leading to hazardous travelling conditions. As a result our gritters will grit all routes this evening where possible, however, the public are advised that in some cases this may not be possible due to blocked roads. Never assume that a gritted route is ice free.

Donegal Civil Defence, in association with Donegal County Council, are available to provide essential services to the vulnerable in the community during the aftermath of Storm Éowyn. Calls received will be triaged with medical interventions and home support calls prioritised. If anyone is in need of assistance please contact Donegal Civil Defence on 074 91 53900.

Donegal County Council’s phoneline 074 91 53900 will remain open tomorrow morning to report emergencies and in addition the public are encouraged to use #EowynDL to report local issues on Facebook and X (Twitter).

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