Date: 10 Oct 2024
A Masterplan And Action Plan For Dún Lúiche Village And Wider Landscape

The Community in Dún Lúiche have in recent years been involved in some incredible work in the area including improved path access at Errigal mountain, enhanced playspace at Ionad Cois Locha, and the ongoing work in managing rhododendron within the wider landscape.
This work continues in the ongoing development of the Dún Lúiche area, as most recently, the community with Donegal County Council and supported by key stakeholders are working together again to produce a masterplan for Dún Lúiche. This plan will provide a roadmap to inform the development of the village and wider landscape over the next 6 years and on to 2040, building on the great work already ongoing and to further enrich and enhance the village and wider surrounding landscape place for the community and the increasing number of visitors coming to the area.
The masterplan will consider key thematic areas including the landscape, the natural and built environment, cultural heritage, and language. Dún Lúiche sits at the foot of Errigal and in this regard the masterplan will also consider pedestrian and vehicular movement and connectivity between and to Errigal, the recreational and tourism offering and the resultant opportunities available to the community and business/service providers.
The community and Donegal County Council continue to meet with and work with the local elected representatives, Cllr John Shéamais Ó Fearraigh Cathaoirleach of Glenties Municipal District said: ‘’ There is some great work going on right across the district supported by the local authority and by funding through national government, and this next project in Dún Lúiche is a further reflection of the commitment of the community in Dún Lúiche who have been doing trojan work for years. And I want to commend this work. There’s a lot more people now coming to Errigal mountain since we invested in the improved path access up the mountain and nows the time to build on this, working with key stakeholders in Failte Ireland, Udaras and our neighbours in Glenveagh. We will meet with officials now next week to discuss further this work and look forward to see whats developing.. Tús maith déanta ach Tuilleadh le deanamh í nDún lúiche do pobal an cheantar don na blianta amach roimhn.’’
The Elected Members of the Glenties Municipal District meet quarterly in dedicated workshop in relation to the ongoing rural development of the Glenties MD and which includes the development of the Masterplan and will meet again next week to discuss the ongoing work in Dún Lúiche A project specific and time bound steering group has been established to guide the development of the Masterplan and resultant emerging projects, reflective of all aspects of the community including Coiste Forbairt Dhún Lúiche, Ionad Cois Locha, and Cairde na hEaragaile along with key stakeholders.
Chair of Cairde na hEaragaile John Andy Bonar confirmed, “We will now actively commence a programme of engagement speaking to and working with with those interested in the development of Dún Lúiche , and really want to hear from you. A programme of interactive and inperson workshops will also commence shortly and we have, with the consultants designed a dedicated programme for the local schools and young people- which is very exciting, linking in with the work our Project Officer Josephine Kelly is already doing in relation to biodiversity and sustainability. We look forward to hearing your thoughts either through the online survey or when we meet over the coming weeks.”
This work is supported by the Community Development Division of Donegal County Council, led by Director of Community Development Liam Ward who confirmed, ‘’As Cllr O Fearraigh has said there is some incredible work going on in, Dún Lúiche and I too want to commend the vision and dedication of the community in Dún Lúiche. This project is very much a community driven initiative supported and enabled by ourselves in local authority and our colleagues across the sectors, and we are delighted to be part of it. The development of a plan which is evidence based and specific to place is a key instrument guiding communities in their decision making and informing future funding proposals, I very much look forward to working more with the Steering Group and wider community and seeing what evolves for Dún Lúiche.’’
Pasparakis Friel Architects have been appointed as the lead consultant to deliver the Masterplan for Dún Lúiche and are working with the Community supported by Donegal County Council and key statutory stakeholders in developing the plan.
An online survey has been developed to inform the development of this plan, and we want to hear from you to inform the future of the Dún Lúiche area.
Conversations with Our Communities is a hugely important element of this work and over the coming weeks and months a programme of community engagement will commence seeking to learn from our communities and how we can better develop our places and spaces for everyone in Dún Lúiche and the increasing number of visitors they welcome to the area.