Date: 05 Nov 2024
Show Racism the Red Card Programme

Donegal County Council in partnership with Finn Harps and funded through the Healthy Ireland Programme launched the Show Racism the Red Card Programme with students and staff from Coláiste na Carraige on 23rd October.
The Show Racism the Red Card Programme aims to harness the high profile of sports people to combat racism and provides educational resources, workshops, training and awareness-raising activities for primary and secondary schools, youth groups, workplaces and sporting stakeholders nationwide.
Outlining the significance of the Healthy Ireland Programme Margaret Fitzgerald, Healthy Ireland Coordinator, Donegal County Council said “The Healthy Ireland Framework provides a cross-Government focus to deliver the vision for a Healthy Ireland where everyone can enjoy physical and mental health and wellbeing to their full potential. In promoting programmes like Show Racism the Red Card we help empower young people and communities to contribute towards a healthier, just and more prosperous society.”
Rosita Mahony, Social Inclusion, Donegal County Council said “According to the Central Statistics Office, the migrant population in Ireland has increased from less than 2% of the total population in 2003 to over 14% in 2024. The changes in Irish society, are also reflected in our schools through increasing diversity in the student population. The Show Racism the Red Card programme supports the work of Donegal County Council’s Social Inclusion team and builds upon the core values and vision outlined in the Black and Minority Ethnic Inclusion A Strategy for County Donegal 2021-2026”.
Coláiste na Carraige, A/Principal Emma Kane welcomed the opportunity to take part in the Show Racism the Red Card programme and commended the students on their willingness to engage and said “The subject matter of racism, diversity and social inclusion is highly topical and emotive, through education we can help fight racism and reduce the barriers to inclusion”.
Stephen McNutt, Football and Social Responsibility Officer, Finn Harps advised that “Show Racism the Red Card was founded in the UK in 1996 by footballer Shaka Hislop, and has been operating in Ireland since 2007. While the programme will continue to be rolled out in 2025, places are limited so we would encourage schools to get in touch to avail of the training”.
This initiative is funded through the Healthy Ireland Round 4 Programme. The Healthy Ireland Fund supported by the Department of Health.