Page 66 - Donegal CC An Rpt 19
P. 66

                                Donegal County Council Annual Report 2019
Small Business Grant
The Small Business Grant was first introduced in 2015. The scheme allows customers who pay their rates bill in full by 31st October to avail of a grant of 7.5%, subject to a maximum grant of €375.00. In 2019, 2,273 customers availed of the Small Business Grant at a total cost to the Council of around €444,000.
Housing Rents
€12.9m was collected from over 5,300 Council tenants in 2019. This represents a collection performance of 90%.
Housing Loans
Almost €2m is collected annually from 544 borrowers who are repaying Council loans. A number of options are available to borrowers who are experiencing financial difficulties in maintaining their loan repayments, and in this regard the Council is guided by the Mortgage Arrears Resolution Process (MARP).
The Council continues to support home-ownership by facilitating mortgage loans for tenants purchasing council houses, and those seeking to purchase homes on the open market. The Rebuilding Ireland Home Loan is a new Government-backed mortgage, targeted specifically at first time buyers, which can be used to purchase a new or second-hand property, or for self- build. 26 such loans were granted approval in 2019. The Council also continues to progress the Shared Ownership Restructuring Scheme, which allows borrowers to restructure their existing Shared Ownership Loans.
Almost €1.7m was collected in 2019 from property owners who were liable for arrears of the Non Principal Private Residence (NPPR) charge. While this charge ceased in 2013, there remains an obligation to discharge any arrears and penalties due, prior to the property being sold or transferred. A certificate of discharge or exemption is required in order to complete the sale or transfer of relevant property. With the number of property-related transactions increasing, the NPPR Section continues to be a busy section of the Income Collection Unit, and a significant amount of income is still being collected from this source.

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