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  • Donegal Outdoor Recreation Strategy

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  • Best Kept Housing Estates 2024

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  • Defective Concrete Blocks Grant Scheme

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    02 July 2024    Vacant Property Refurbishment Grant payments exceed €1.3m

    Donegal County Council is delighted to report that grant payments of the Vacant Property Refurbishment Grant Scheme have now exceeded €1.3m, which represents 28 homes being brought back into use. Read More...

    27 June 2024    Donegal Town Diamond Set To Re-Open Tomorrow

    The Diamond in Donegal Town is set to reopen to the public on Friday 28th June 2024 following an extensive regeneration project. This is a partial reopening as there remains one small section of paving to be completed in July 2024. Read more ...

    27 June 2024    Donegal County Council’s role in promoting quality living

    Donegal County Council’s role in supporting quality living within Donegal is being highlighted, promoted and celebrated to mark Your Council Day 2024, taking place Friday 5th July. Read more...

    26 June 2024    Free Intellectual Property Event in Central Library

    Central Library Letterkenny are hosting free drop in Intellectual Property workshops on Thursday 27th June between 1.00pm – 5.00pm. The theme of the workshops is "Respect of Intellectual Property rights is a choice" Read more ...

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  • Election Hub is now open

    visit donegalelections.ie

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  • Are you Summer Ready?


    Be Summer ReadySlide2 Image
  • Donegal Outdoor Recreation Strategy

    Watch the video!

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  • Best Kept Housing Estates 2024

    Competition open now

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  • Defective Concrete Blocks Grant Scheme

    Apply now..

    Mica PhotosliderSlide5 Image
  • Be Summer Ready
  • Mica Photoslider
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