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Brexit Adjustment Local Authority Marine Infrastructure Scheme 2022-2023


The Brexit Adjustment Reserve Local Authority Marine Infrastructure (BALAMI) Scheme 2022-2023 was a special one-off emergency instrument, designed to support economic sectors, businesses, and local communities and to support job creation and protection by distributing Brexit Adjustment Reserve funds to enhance, upgrade, modernise and develop Ireland’s publicly owned coastal and marine infrastructure to facilitate diversification of economic opportunities. The Department of Agriculture, Food and The Marine administered the Scheme. 


The below table details funding received by Donegal County Council from the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine under the Brexit Adjustment Local Authority Marine Infrastructure Scheme 2022 - 2023 and the counter-funding provided. 


Project Total Project Expenditure € (95% of eligible expenditure) DCC Contribution (5% of eiligble expenditure +  all ineligible expenditure)
Ballyness Pier Refurbishment




Binwee 66,854 60,684 6,170
Bunagee 27,007 25,657 52,664

Bunbeg (completion due in 2024)

791,337 743,730 47,607
Burtonport Leading Lights 50,885 47,500 3,385
Cladnagerragh 101,441 93,541 7,900
Greencastle Breakwater 16,458,704 15,503,864 954,840
Inishbofin Crane And Improvement Works 99,037 94,085 4,952
Kincasslagh 118,730 112,793 5,937
Lenane Pier Boat Yard 344,183 285,000 59,183
Maghery Pier Refurbishment 63,354 57,000 6,354
Moville Pier 24,454 23,232 1,223
Mullinasole 42,307 40,192 2,115
Pollswaddy Pier 29,847 28,354 1,492
Port Inver Pier Crane 157,261 123,500 33,761
Port Inver Slipway 345,893 323,000 22,893
Portacrin Pier, Gola 139,597 123,500 16,097
Portsalon Pier (completion due in 2024) 1,433,282 1,139,012 294,270
Ramelton 37,373 35,504 1,869
Rathmullen (completion due in 2024) 956,962 740,663 216,299
Rosbeg - hydraulic 109,608 104,127 5,480
Rosbeg Leading Lights 25,157 19,000 6,157
Roshine 99,600 94,485 5,115
Stackamore Crane 103,616 98,435 5,181
Total 21,646,824 19,933,351 1,764,787