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Court Records: Petty Sessions

Court Records: Petty Sessions

Records: 20 volumes of Petty Sessions records, mainly Ballyshannon, 1828 – 1856.

  • Registry of Criminal Proceedings at Ballyshannon Petty Sessions. Details include date; informant's name and address; name and residence of person charged; offence (e.g., 'waylaying and assault', 'entering his orchard and stealing apples', 'stealing three bricks'); witnesses sworn; and determination (e.g., 'fined', 'committed to gaol'), 1828 –1848; 1849 – 1851; 1851 – 1853;


Court Petty Sessions Ballyshannon

Extract from Ballyshannon Petty Sessions


  • Registry of Criminal Proceedings at Manorcunningham Petty Sessions, 1830's;
  • Registry of Civil Proceedings at Ballyshannon Petty Sessions Details include date; complainant’s name and address; defendant’s name; complaint (e.g., ‘non payment of county cess,’ 'having a quantity of flax on the public road', 'wilfully driving your mare into his grazing land’,) witnesses sworn; adjudication (e.g., 'dismissed', 'no appearance', 'postponed', 'settled', 'fined'), 1828 – 1848; 1848 - 1850; 1851- 1856;
  • Registry of Summons issued from Ballyshannon Petty Sessions Details include name and address of complainant; name of person summoned; date; offence (e.g., 'assault and forcibly carrying away turf’, 'house breaking'); and decision (e.g., 'dismissed', 'no jurisdiction', 'conviction', 'fined'), 1828 - 33; 1831 - 1839; 1833 - 1837; 1844 - 1848; 1848 – 1850.

All the above Petty Sessions records are open to the public.